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polyproto Specification

v0.1.0-alpha.1 - Treat this as an unfinished draft.

Semantic versioning v2.0.0 is used to version this specification. The version number specified here also applies to the API documentation.

The polyproto protocol is a home-server-based identity federation protocol specification intended for use in applications where actor identity is needed. polyproto focuses on federated identity, and does not specify any further application-specific features. It can be used standalone, as a method of authenticating across many applications and services, or as a base for federated protocol extensions and application implementations. The use of cryptography - namely digital signatures and X.509 certificates - make polyproto identities verifiable and portable. polyproto empowers actors, as the home server can be changed at any time, without losing data or connections to other actors.

This document is intended to be used as a starting point for developers wanting to develop software, which can operate with other polyproto implementations.

1. Terminology used in this document

The following terminology is used throughout this document:

  • Actor - An entity represented by a federation ID, registered on a home server. Actors can be users, bots, or any other entity with a federation ID.
  • CA, Certificate Authority - Any home server that issues and publicly attests to the validity of ID-Certs. In polyproto, only home servers are CAs.
  • Client - Any application used by an actor to connect to an instance.
  • CSR, Certificate Signing Request - A request sent to a CA to obtain a certificate. It holds information about the entity requesting the certificate, including their public identity key.
  • DN, Distinguished Name - A set of RDNs (Relative Distinguished Names) that uniquely identify a certificate. See
  • Federation ID - A unique identifier; In public contexts, usually, where bold parts are required and non-bold parts are optional.
  • Foreign server - An instance that an actor is not registered on; essentially a third party.
  • Home server - The instance that an actor is registered on. Any polyproto-core compliant server hosted on the same domain is also considered a home server. A home server is the instance that publicly attests to the validity of all legitimate ID-Certs issued under its FQDN. A domain can have many home servers, but only one per subdomain.
  • ID-CSR - A certificate signing request for a client's identity key pair. It is used to obtain an ID-Cert.
  • Identity - Synonymous with "Federation ID".
  • Identity Key Pair - A key pair associating an identity with a set of cryptographic keys used to sign and possibly encrypt messages.
  • Instance - A server hosting polyproto compliant software for clients.
  • Message, Messages: In the context of this protocol specification, a message is any piece of data sent by a client that is intended to be identifiable as being sent by a specific actor. To qualify as a "message", this piece of data must also, at any point in time, and also if only briefly, be visible to other users or to the unauthenticated public. Examples of things that would qualify as messages include:

    • A message sent to another actor in a chat application
    • A post on a social media platform
    • A "like" interaction on a social media platform
    • Reaction emojis in Discord-like chat applications
    • Group join or leave messages
    • Reporting a post or actor, if the report is not anonymous
  • P2 - Shortened form of polyproto.

  • P2 Extension - A polyproto extension.
  • polyproto-chat - The chat-API used by Polyphony. An extension of the polyproto protocol, defining the routes and capabilities of the chat-API used by Polyphony.
  • polyproto - The core federation protocol and APIs of polyproto, enabling identification and authorization on foreign servers. It is independent of the chat-API used.
  • Root Certificate - A certificate used to sign other certificates, establishing a chain of trust. In polyproto, only home servers have root certificates.
  • Service: Any application-specific implementation of polyproto, defined by a P2 extension. All services are P2 extensions, but not all P2 extensions are services. polyproto-chat is an example of a service.
  • Session - A specific period of authenticated interaction between a client and an instance. During the lifetime of a session, the client can perform actions as the actor they are authenticated as.
  • Session ID - See polyproto specification: Section

2. Trust model

polyproto operates under the following trust assumptions:

  1. Users entrust their home server and its admins with data security and discretion on actions appearing as actor-performed as, as with most home server based systems, it is possible for a home server to impersonate an actor in unencrypted communications.
  2. Impersonation can be detected by users, as home servers never have access to private keys of actors. To sign messages as an actor, a home server would have to use a different key pair.
  3. Users only trust information, which can be verified by cryptographic means. This includes verifying the identity of other actors and verifying the integrity of messages.
  4. In a federated context, users trust foreign servers with all unencrypted data they send to them.
  5. Foreign servers cannot impersonate users without immediate detection. Outsiders, meaning foreign servers and other actors, are unable to produce signatures that have a cryptographic connection to the actors' home server. This is assuming correct implementation of cryptographic standards, secure home server operation and non-compromised client devices, all of which are mostly out of the scope of this specification.
  6. Users rely on their home server for identity key certification, without the home server possessing the identity.

3. APIs and communication protocols

The polyproto specification defines a set of APIs. In addition to these REST APIs, polyproto employs WebSockets for real-time communication between clients and servers.

The APIs are divided into two categories:

  • Routes: No registration needed: These routes are available to all clients, regardless of whether this server is the client's home server.
  • Routes: Registration needed: These routes are only available to clients where the server is the client's home server.

All software aiming to federate with other polyproto implementations must implement the APIs defined in this specification. Implementations can choose to extend the APIs with additional routes, but must not remove or change the behavior of the routes defined in this specification.

3.3 WebSockets

WebSockets enable real-time communication between actor clients and servers.

WebSocket connections to polyproto servers consist of the following cycle:


actor c as Client
participant g as Gateway

c->>g: Establish connection
g->>c: Recieve hello event

loop TODO: interval
  c->>g: Send heartbeat event
  g->>c: Send heartbeat ACK Event

c->>g: Send identify payload

alt Server accepts
  g->>c: Send ready event
else Server defined reason
  g->>c: Disconnect with specified reason

opt Resume connection#59;<br />otherwise, repeat from step 1
  c->>g: Open new connection
  c->>g: Send resume event
  g->>c: Send missed events
  g->>c: Send resumed event

Fig. 1: Sequence diagram of a WebSocket connection to a polyproto server.


To learn more about polyproto WebSockets and WebSocket Events, consult the WebSockets documentation.

3.3.1 Events over REST

For some implementation contexts, a constant WebSocket connection might not be wanted. A client can instead opt to query an API endpoint to receive events, which would normally be sent through the WebSocket connection. Concrete polyproto-implementations and extensions can decide whether this alternative behavior is supported.


An example of an implementation context where having a constant WebSocket might not be wanted would be Urban IoT devices, or devices with a limited or only periodically available internet connection.

Querying this endpoint yields a JSON-Array containing all events the session has missed since last querying the endpoint, or since last being connected to the WebSocket.

Depending on how many events the session has missed, the earliest events might be excluded from the response to limit the response bodies size. This behavior should be explicitly documented in implementations or extensions of polyproto.

Due to the intended use cases for retrieving events through REST rather than WebSockets, this endpoint is not a long-polling endpoint.

There are three intended, main modes for retrieving events in polyproto

  1. Keep a constant WebSocket connection whenever possible
  2. Keep a semi-constant WebSocket connection, perhaps connecting every x minutes for a set period of time
  3. Do not use WebSockets and only query the REST API

Polling a REST endpoint is inherently inefficient and therefore should only be done with a high interval, ranging from a few minutes to a few days. If a client requires information more often than that, then a WebSocket connection should be considered.

4. Federated identity

The federation of actor identities allows users to engage with foreign servers as if they were their home servers. For example, in polyproto-chat, an actor can send direct messages to users from a different server or join the Guilds of other servers.

Identity certificates defined in sections #6. Cryptography and ID-Certs and #6.1 Home server signed certificates for public client identity keys (ID-Cert) are employed to sign messages that the actor sends to other servers.

Using one identity for several polyproto implementations

An actor can choose to use the same identity for multiple polyproto implementations. Read section #9 for more information.


You can read more about Identity Certificates in section #6.

4.1 Authentication

The core polyproto specification does not contain a strict definition of authentication procedures and endpoints. This allows for a wide range of authentication methods to be used. However, if implementations want to closely interoperate with each other, they should highly consider implementing the polyproto-auth standard for authenticating on home servers and foreign servers alike.


Close interoperation is only possible if all involved polyproto implementations have an overlapping set of supported authentication methods. Therefore, it is highly recommended to implement and use the polyproto-auth standard, unless your use case requires strictly requires a different authentication method. Of course, other authentication methods can be implemented in addition to polyproto-auth.

When successfully authenticated, a client receives a session token, which can then be used to access authenticated routes on the REST API and to establish a WebSocket connection. Each ID-Cert can only have one active session token at a time.

About session tokens

Session tokens are used to authenticate a user over a longer period of time, instead of, for example, requiring the user to solve a challenge string every time they want to access a protected route.

4.1.1 Authenticating on a foreign server

Regardless of the authentication method used, the foreign server must verify the actor's identity before allowing them to perform any actions. This verification must be done by proving the cryptographic connection between an actors' home servers' public identity key and the actors' ID-Cert. Challenge strings, as described in Section 4.2 and in polyproto-auth are used for this purpose within this specification.

Servers must also check with the actors' home server to ensure that the ID-Cert has not been revoked. APIs for this purpose are defined in the API documentation.

4.1.2 Sensitive actions


Sensitive actions should require a second factor of authentication, apart from the actors' private key. This second factor can be anything from a password to TOTP or hardware keys, depending on the authentication method or standard used.

If this is not done, a malicious user who gained access to an actors' private key can lock that actor out of their account entirely, as the malicious user could revoke the actors' other ID-Certs, and thus prevent the actor from logging in again.

Sensitive actions include, but are not limited to:

  • Generating a new ID-Cert
  • Revoking an ID-Cert
  • Changing the actors' federation ID
  • Changing the actors' other factors of authentication
  • Server administration actions

Clients should be prepared to gracefully handle the case where a sensitive action fails due to a lack of a second factor of authentication, and should prompt the user to provide the second factor of authentication.

4.2 Challenge strings

Servers are alphanumeric challenge strings to verify an actor's private identity key possession, without revealing the private key itself. These strings, ranging from 32 to 256 characters, have a UNIX timestamp lifetime. If the current timestamp surpasses this lifetime, the challenge fails. The actor signs the string, sending the signature and their ID-Cert to the server, which then verifies the signature's authenticity.


For public-facing polyproto implementations, it is recommended to use a challenge string length of at least 64 characters, including at least one character from each of the alphanumeric character classes ([a-zA-Z0-9]). Server implementations should ensure that challenge strings are unique per actor. If this is not the case, actors could potentially be the target of replay attacks.

Challenge strings can counteract replay attacks. Their uniqueness ensures that even identical requests have different signatures, preventing malicious servers from successfully replaying requests.

4.3 Protection against misuse by malicious home servers

To protect users from misuse by malicious home servers, a mechanism is needed to prevent home servers from generating federation tokens for users without their consent and knowledge.

Potential misuse scenario

A malicious home server can potentially request a federation token on behalf of one of its users, and use it to generate a session token on the actor's behalf. The malicious server can then impersonate the actor on another server, as well as read unencrypted data (such as messages, in the context of a chat application) sent on the other server.


The above scenario is not unique to polyproto, and rather a problem other federated services/protocols, like ActivityPub, have as well. There is no real solution to this problem, but it can be mitigated a bit by making it more difficult for malicious home servers to do something like this without the actor noticing.

Polyproto servers need to inform users of new sessions. This visibility hampers malicious home servers, but does not solve the issue of them being able to create federation tokens for servers the actor does not connect to. This is because, naturally, users cannot receive notifications without a connection. Clients re-establishing server connections must be updated on any new sessions generated during their absence. The NEW_SESSION gateway event must be dispatched to all sessions, excluding the new session. The NEW_SESSION event's stored data can be accessed in the Gateway Events documentation.


With proper safety precautions and strong encryption, it is extremely unlikely for a malicious server to be able to listen in on encrypted conversations, without all users in that conversation noticing. When implementing the polyproto-mls P2 extension, MLS's forward secrecy guarantees ensure that, in theory, a malicious session cannot decrypt any messages sent before its' join epoch. If secrecy or confidentiality are of concern, users should host their own home server and use end-to-end encryption, such as polyproto-mls.

5. Federation IDs (FIDs)

Every client requires an associated actor identity. Actors are distinguished by a unique federation ID (FID). FIDs consist of their identifier, which is unique per instance, and the instance's root domain. This combination ensures global uniqueness.

FIDs used in public contexts are formatted as [email protected], and are case-insensitive.

The following regular expression can be used to validate actor IDs: \b([a-z0-9._%+-]+)@([a-z0-9-]+(\.[a-z0-9-]+)*).


The above regular expression is flavored for the Rust Programming Language, but can be easily adapted to other languages.


Validating a federation ID with the above regex does not guarantee that the ID is valid. It only indicates that the federation ID is formatted correctly.

For all intents and purposes, a federation ID is a display of identity. However, verifying identity claims is crucial. See Section #6.1 and Section #6.2.2 for more information.

6. Cryptography and ID-Certs

6.1 Home server signed certificates for public client identity keys (ID-Cert)

The ID-Cert, a X.509 certificate, validates a public actor identity key. It is an actor-generated CSR (Certificate Signing Request), signed by a home server, encompassing actor identity information and the client's public identity key. Clients can get an ID-Cert in return for a valid and well-formed CSR. Generating a new ID-Cert is considered a sensitive action and therefore should require a second factor of authentication.

A CSR in the context of polyproto will be referred to as an ID-CSR. ID-CSRs are DER- or PEM-encoded PKCS #10 CSRs, with a few additional requirements.

All ID-Certs are valid X.509 v3 certificates. However, not all X.509 v3 certificates are valid ID-Certs.

ID-Certs form the basis of message signing and verification in polyproto. They are used to verify the identity of a client, and to verify the integrity of messages sent by a client.

An ID-CSR includes the following information, according to the X.509 standard:

  • The public identity key of the client.
  • An identity descriptor (IDD), describing the actor the certificate is issued to. The IDD must be formatted according to Section
  • The signature algorithm used to sign the certificate.
  • The signature of the certificate, generated by using the entities' private identity key.

When signing an ID-CSR, the home server must verify the correctness of all claims presented in the CSR.


All entities receiving an ID-Cert MUST inspect the certificate for correctness and validity. This includes checking whether the signature matches the certificates' contents and checking the certificate's validity period.

Actors must use a separate ID-Cert for each client or session they use. Separating ID-Certs limits the potential damage a compromised ID-Cert can cause.

For two implementations of polyproto to be interoperable, they must support an overlapping set of digital signature algorithms. See Section 6.4 for more information on cryptographic recommendations.

6.1.1 Structure of an ID-Cert

The ID-Cert is a valid X.509 certificate, and as such, it has a specific structure. The structure of an X.509 certificate is defined in RFC5280. ID-Certs encompass a subset of the structure of an X.509 certificate.

ID-Certs have the following structure:

Field Description Special requirements, if any X.509 equivalent
Correctly formatted Name attribute, according to # Identity descriptor Issuer Name
A unique identifier for the certificate, used by the CA to identify this certificate. Must be unique across all certificates issued by a home server. Serial Number
The algorithm used to sign the certificate. Certificate Signature Algorithm & Signature Algorithm ID
The signature of the certificate, generated by using the home servers' private identity key. Certificate Signature
The expiry date of the certificate. Time must not be after expiry date of the home server's root certificate Validity period: Not After
Certificate validity period starting date Time must not be before the home server's root certificate was generated Validity period: Not Before
X.509 Version Number (v3) polyproto only uses Version 3 X.509 certificates. Version Number
The public identity key of the client. Subject Public Key Info: Subject Public Key
The public key algorithm used to generate the client's public identity key. Subject Public Key Info: Public Key Algorithm
The session ID of the client. No two valid certificates for one session ID can exist. Session IDs have to be unique per user. Subject Unique Identifier
Extensions Extensions and Constraints Extensions Identity Descriptors (IDDs)

polyproto Identity Descriptors are a subset of the X.509 certificate's distinguished name. Distinguished Names (DNs), according to the LDAP Data Interchange Format (LDIF). The DN is a sequence of relative distinguished names (RDNs).

The identity descriptor must be unique for each certificate issued by a home server. The DN of an ID-Cert must meet all of the following requirements:

  • Identity descriptor (IDD) must have "common name" attribute. If the ID-Cert is for an actor, the common name must be the local name of the actor. In the case of an actor with an FID of [email protected], the "common name" would be xenia. If the ID-Cert is a self-signed home server certificate, the "common name" attribute must not be present.
  • Must have at least one domain component, specifying the home servers' FQDN (fully qualified domain name).
  • If the ID-Cert or ID-CSR is for an actor, the IDD must include the UID (OID 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.1) and uniqueIdentifier (OID 0.9.2342.19200300.100.1.44) fields.
    • UID is the federation ID of the actor, e.g. actor@fqdn-of-home
    • uniqueIdentifier is a Session ID.
  • Can have other attributes, if the additional attributes do not conflict with the above requirements. Additional attributes might be ignored by other home servers and other clients, unless specified otherwise in a polyproto extension. Additional attributes, which are not part of a polyproto extension must be non-critical X.509 extensions.

If the home server does not have a subdomain or top level domain, the dc fields for these components should be omitted. Extensions and constraints

The following constraints must be met by ID-Certs:

  • If the ID-Cert is a root certificate
    • It must have the CA flag set to true. The path length constraint must be present and set to 0.
    • It must have the keyCertSign key usage flag set to true.
  • If the ID-Cert is an actor certificate
    • It must have the CA flag set to false or omitted.
    • It must have the keyCertSign key usage flag set to false or omitted.
    • It must have the digitalSignature key usage flag OR contentCommitment flags set to true.

Key Usage Flags and Basic Constraints are critical extensions. Therefore, if any of these X.509 extensions are present, they must be marked as "critical". ID-Certs not adhering to this standard must be treated as malformed. Session IDs

The session ID is an ASN.1 Ia5String chosen by the actor requesting the ID-Cert. It is used to uniquely identify a session. The session ID must be unique for each certificate issued to that actor. A session ID can be re-used if the session belonging to that session ID has become invalid. Session ID re-use in this case also applies, when a different ID-Cert wants to use the same session ID, provided that the session ID is not currently in use. If the session ID is currently in use, the actor requesting the ID-Cert must select a different session ID, as session IDs must not be overridden silently.

Session IDs are 1 - 32 characters long and. They can contain any character permitted by the ASN.1 IA5String type.

Session IDs can be used to identify a session across devices, or to detect if a new, perhaps malicious session has been created.

6.1.2 Necessity of ID-Certs

The addition of a certificate is necessary to prevent a malicious foreign server from abusing public identity key caching to impersonate an actor. Consider the following example, which employs foreign server public identity key caching, but no home server issued identity key certificates:

Potential misuse scenario

A malicious foreign server B can fake a message from Alice (Home server: Server A) to Bob (Home Server: Server B), by generating a new identity key pair and using it to sign the malicious message. The foreign server then sends that message to Bob, who will then request Alice's public identity key from Server B, who will then send Bob the malicious public identity key. Bob will succeed in verifying the signature of the message, and not notice that the message has been crafted by a malicious server.

The above scenario is not possible with home server issued identity key certificates, as the malicious server cannot generate an identity key pair for Alice, which is signed by Server A.

6.1.3 Key rotation

A session can choose to rotate their ID-Cert at any time. This is done by generating a new identity key pair, using the new private key to generate a new CSR, and sending the new Certificate Signing Request to the home server, along with at least one new KeyPackage and a corresponding 'last resort' KeyPackage, if encryption is offered. The home server will then generate the new ID-Cert, given that the CSR is valid and that the server accepts the creation of new ID-Certs at this time.

Rotating keys is done by using an API route, which requires authorization.


Sessions can request a new ID-Cert for any session of the same actor. Most other, currently existing services also allow for this, as it is a common use case for user to want to, perhaps, log out of devices they no longer use. Depending on your use case, this might be a security concern. Whether and how this risk is mitigated is up to concrete implementations.

Home servers must keep track of the ID-Certs of all users (and their clients) registered on them, and must offer a clients' ID-Cert for a given timestamp on request. This is to ensure messages sent by users, even ones sent a long time ago, can be verified by other servers and their users. This is because the public key of an actor likely changes over time and users must sign all messages they send to servers. Likewise, a client should also keep all of its own ID-Certs stored perpetually, to potentially verify its identity in case of a migration.

Users must hold on to all of their past key pairs, as they might need them to migrate their account in the future. How this is done is specified in section 6.3: Private key loss prevention and private key recovery.

The lifetime of an actor ID-Cert should be limited to a maximum of 60 days. This is to ensure that even in a worst-case scenario, a compromised ID-Cert can only be used for a limited amount of time. The renewal of an ID-Cert is considered a sensitive action and should require a second factor of authentication. A client that has this second factor of authentication stored should renew the ID-Cert of the authenticated actor without further interaction.

Server ID-Certs should be rotated way less often (every 1-3 years). Only rotate a server ID-Cert if it is suspected to be compromised, is lost, or has expired.


actor c as Client
participant s as Server

c->>c: Create CSR for own identity key
c->>s: Request key rotation/CSR signing, CSR attached
s->>s: Verify validity of claims presented in the CSR
alt verify success
  s->>s: Create ID-Cert for Client
  s->>c: Respond with ID-Cert

Fig. 2: Sequence diagram depicting the process of a client that uses a CSR to request a new ID-Cert from their home server.

A server identity key's lifetime might come to an early or unexpected end, perhaps due to some sort of leak of the corresponding private key. When this happens, the server should generate a new identity key pair and broadcast the SERVER_KEY_CHANGE gateway event to all clients. Clients must request new ID-Certs through a CSR. Should a client be offline at the time of the key change, it must be informed of the change upon reconnection.

6.1.4 Early revocation of ID-Certs

A note about CRLs

It is common for systems relying on X.509 certificates for user authentication to use Certificate Revocation Lists (CRLs) to keep track of which certificates are no longer valid. This is done to prevent a user from using a certificate that has been revoked.

CRLs are difficult to implement well, often requiring many resources to keep up to date, and are also not always reliable. OCSP (Online Certificate Status Protocol) is a more modern, reliable and easier to implement alternative. Still, it potentially requires many resources to keep up with demand, while introducing potential privacy concerns.

polyproto inherently mitigates some of the possible misuse of a revoked certificate, as the validity of a certificate is usually checked by many parties. Especially, if the revocation process is initiated by the actor themselves, the actor already lets all servers they are connected to know that the certificate in question is no longer valid.

polyproto does not require the use of CRLs or OCSP.

An ID-Cert can be revoked by the home server or the actor at any time. This can be done for various reasons, such as a suspected leak of the private identity key. When an ID-Cert is revoked, the server must revoke the session associated with the revoked ID-Cert. Revoking an ID-Cert is considered a sensitive action and therefore should require a second factor of authentication.


The above paragraph is true for both foreign and home servers. The API routes associated with revoking an ID-Cert are the same regardless of the server type.

TODO: Write about identifier changing and how to handle that across servers TODO: Perhaps recommend never using more than a specified number of certificates at once to make re-signing easier

6.2 Actor identity keys and message signing

As briefly mentioned section #4, users must hold on to an identity key pair at all times. This key pair is used to represent an actor's identity and to verify message integrity, by having an actor sign all messages they send with their private identity key. The key pair is generated by the actor. An actor-generated identity key certificate signing request (CSR) is sent to the actor's home server when first connecting to the server with a new session, or when rotating keys. The key is stored in the client's local storage. Upon receiving a new identity key CSR, a home server will sign this CSR and send the resulting ID-Cert to the client. This certificate is proof that the home server attests to the clients key. Read section 6.1 for more information about the certificate.

6.2.1 Message verification

To ensure message integrity through signing, clients and servers must verify message signatures. This involves cross-checking the message signature against the sender's ID-Cert and the senders' home server's ID-Cert, while also confirming the validity of the ID-Cert attached to the message and ensuring its public key matches the sender's.


Signature verification must always be "strict", meaning that signature schemes producing malleable signatures and weak public keys must be rejected.

Example: Say we have two actors. Alice, who is registered on Server A, and Bob, who is registered on Server B. Alice and Bob are having a conversation on Server B. Given a signed message from Alice, such as Bob would receive from Server B, the process of verifying the signature would look like this:


actor b as Bob
participant sb as Server B
participant sa as Server A

sb->>b: Alice's signed message
opt Alice's ID-Cert is not cached on Bob's client
  b->>sb: Request Alice's ID-Cert
  opt Alice's ID-Cert is not cached on Server B
  sb->>sa: Request Alice's ID-Cert
  sa->>sb: Alice's ID-Cert
  sb->>b: Alice's ID-Cert
opt Server A's ID-Cert is not cached on Bob's client
  b->>sa: Request Server A ID-Cert
  sa->>b: Server A ID-Cert
b->>b: Verify signature of Alice's message (Fig. 4)

Fig. 3: Sequence diagram of a successful message signature verification.

Bob's client and Server B should now cache Server A's and Alice's ID-Certs, to avoid having to request them again.

The TTL (time to live) of these cached items should be relatively short. Recommended values are between one (1) and twelve (12) hours. Cached ID-Certs must be evicted from the cache, after the TTL has expired. Expired cached ID-Certs must not be used for signature verification of new messages, even if the client cannot renew its cache.

Why not select longer lived TTLs for cached ID-Certs?

Suppose that an actors' private identity key is compromised. The actor notices this, and revokes their ID-Cert. If the TTL of cached ID-Certs is too long, the compromised ID-Cert might still be used for signature verification for a long amount of time, even after the ID-Cert has been revoked. This is a problem in the following hypothetical scenario with malicious actor "Eve" and victim "Alice":

  1. Alice's private identity key is compromised.
  2. Malicious actor Eve logs onto Server X, which Alice has never connected to before.
  3. Alice notices the breach, requesting the revocation of her ID-Cert on all servers she is connected to.
  4. Server X does not get this revocation message, as Alice does not know about her connection to Server X.
  5. Eve can now impersonate Alice on Server X, for as long as the TTL of the cached ID-Cert on Server X has not expired.

If the verification fails, Bob's client should try to re-request the key from Server B first. Should the verification fail again, Bob's client can try to request Alice's public identity key and ID-Cert from Server A (Alice's home server). The signature verification process should then be re-tried. Should the verification still not succeed, the message should be treated with extreme caution.


actor b as Bob
participant sb as Server B
participant sa as Server A

b->>b: Verify signature of Alice's message, attempt 1
alt Verification fails
  b->>sb: Request Alice's ID-Cert
  sb->>b: Alice's ID-Cert
  b->>b: Verify signature of Alice's message, attempt 2
  opt Verification fails again
    b->>sa: Request Alice's ID-Cert
    sa->>b: Alice's ID-Cert
    b->>b: Verify signature of Alice's message, final attempt
    opt Verification is still unsuccessful
      b-->b: Treat Alice's message with extreme caution.
else Verification succeeds
  b-->b: Treat Alice's message as verified.

Fig. 4: Sequence diagram showing how message verification should be handled if the first attempt to verify the signature fails.

Why should Bob's client request Alice's public identity key from his own server first?

Bob's client could request Alice's public identity key from Server A, instead of Server B. However, this is discouraged, as it

  • Generates unnecessary load on Server A; Doing it this way distributes the load of public identity key requests more fairly, as the server that the message was sent on is the one that has to process the bulk of public identity key requests.
  • Would expose unnecessary metadata to Server A; Server A does not need to know who exactly Alice is talking to, and when. Only Server B, Alice and Bob need to know this information. Always requesting the public identity key from Server A might expose this information to Server A.

Clients should only use Server A as a fallback for public identity key verification, if Server B does not respond to the request for Alice's public identity key, or if the verification fails with the public identity key from Server B.


A failed signature verification does not always mean that the message is invalid. It may be that the actor's identity key has changed, and that Server B has not yet received the new public identity key for some reason. However, if the signature cannot be verified at a certain time, this information must be communicated to the actor performing the verification.

6.2.2 Handling of external messages

In the context of federation with other federation protocols, such as ActivityPub, it is possible for actors to receive messages, which do not have a signature attached to them. If a P2 extension explicitly allows for this, it is possible for a polyproto server to forward such messages to clients. If a P2 extension does not explicitly allow for this, both servers and clients must reject such messages. Clients receiving unexpected external messages should inform the actor about the fact that a server has tried to send them an invalid, possibly malicious message.

Before a polyproto server forwards such a message to clients, it must add an "external" property to the message object. If possible in the data format used, this property should be set to a boolean value of true. If the data format does not support boolean values, the property should be set to a string value of true in all lowercase characters. This property must be passed along to the client or clients receiving the message.

If the actor receiving this external message is human, the client must inform the actor that the message is external, and that the message has not been signed by the sender. External messages should be distinguishable from signed messages at first glance.

6.3 Private key loss prevention and private key recovery

As described in previous sections, actors must hold on to their past identity key pairs, should they want or need to migrate their account.

Home servers must offer a way for actors to upload and recover their private identity keys while not having access to the private keys themselves. Private identity keys must be encrypted with strong passphrases and encryption schemes such as AES, before being uploaded to the server. Authenticated actors can download their encrypted private identity keys from the server at any time. All encryption and decryption operations must be done client-side.

If any uncertainty about the availability of the home server exists, clients should regularly download their encrypted private identity keys from the server and store them in a secure location. Ideally, each client should immediately download their encrypted private identity keys from the server after connecting. Clients should never store key backups in an unencrypted manner.

Whether an actor uploads their encrypted private identity keys to the server is their own choice. It is also recommended backing up the encrypted private identity keys in some other secure location.

The APIs for managing encrypted private identity keys are documented in the API documentation.

6.4 Cryptographic recommendations

For two implementations of polyproto to be interoperable, they must support an overlapping set of digital signature algorithms.

If technically practical, all implementations of polyproto must support use of the Ed25519 digital signature algorithm for signing messages and generating ID-Certs. The use of the RSA algorithm for digital signatures is heavily discouraged.

6.5 Best practices

The following subsections are dedicated to documenting best practices to consider when implementing polyproto.

6.5.1 Signing keys and ID-Certs

  • When a server is asked to generate a new ID-Cert for an actor, it must make sure that the CSR is valid and, if set, has an expiry date less than or equal to the expiry date of the server's own ID-Cert.
  • Due to the fact that a SERVER_KEY_CHANGE gateway event is bound to generate a large amount of traffic, servers should only manually generate a new identity key pair when absolutely necessary and instead select a fitting expiry date interval for their ID-Certs. It might also be a good idea to stagger the sending of SERVER_KEY_CHANGE gateway events, to prevent a server from initiating a DDoS attack on itself.
  • When a client or server receives the information that an actor's client identity key has been changed, the client/server in question should update their cached ID-Cert for the actor in question, taking into account the session ID of the new identity key pair.

6.5.2 Home server operation and design

  • Use a caching layer for your home server to handle the potentially large amount of requests for ID-Certs without putting unnecessary strain on the database.

6.5.3 Private key loss prevention and private key recovery

  • It is a good idea for home servers to limit the upload size and available upload slots for encrypted private identity keys.

7. Migrations

polyproto empowers the end-user by defining straightforward mechanisms to change their home server while preserving their identity, moving messages to another server, or both.

Identity migration allows actors to transparently re-assign ownership of their identity and messages to a new identity. This allows actors to switch home servers while not losing ownership of messages sent by them.

Message migration allows actors to move messages from one service-provider to another in a tamper-resistant way. This makes it possible for actors to switch service providers, taking some or all of their messages with them. Which messages can be moved is up to P2 extensions to define, as it might not always be possible to move all messages. Some messages might be tied to a specific context, which is unavailable on the new server.

Example: Information tied to a specific context

In a chat application, there might exist a group chat with a lot of people in it. Moving your messages from this group chat to another server might be impossible, depending on the architecture of the chat application. Typically, the messages in a group chat are stored on the server hosting the group. Moving the messages of one individual from one server to another is not possible in these cases.

Example: Information not necessarily tied to a specific context

Continuing the chat application example, it might very well be possible to move messages written in a private chat between two actors from one server to another. An examplary architecture where this is possible, is where all private messages are stored on the server of the actor who sent the message. Here, an actor can move their messages to another server without any issues.

Migrating an actor always involves reassigning the ownership of all actor-associated data in the distributed network to the new actor. Should the old actor want to additionally move all data from the old home server to another home server, more steps are needed. Account migration is not considered a sensitive action.

7.1 Identity migration

Transferring message ownership from an old to a new account, known as identity migration, necessitates coordination between the two involved accounts.

Identity migration is a process, which can be broken down into the following steps:

As shown by the API routes offered in the API documentation, both of these steps can be initiated through one API call.

It is not required that the new account is located on another home server as the old account.

7.1.1 Redirects

Setting up a redirect is an optional step in the identity migration process, helping make the transition from the old account to the new account smoother.

A redirect has to be confirmed by both the redirection source and the redirection target. The redirect is only valid for one specific redirection target. Redirection targets must be valid actors and their home servers must be reachable when the redirect is being set up.


"Optional" does not mean that home servers can choose to not implement this feature. Instead, it means that actors can choose to not use this feature.


actor aa as Alice Old (Redirection source)
participant sa as "Alice Old" Home Server
actor ab as Alice New (Redirection target)

Note over aa, ab: These steps may be done in any order<br/>and are not necessarily sequential
par Verifying redirect intent by passing key trial
  aa->>sa: Request redirect to Alice New
  sa-)sa: Confirm "Alice New"<br/>is valid actor by resolving FID 
  sa->>aa: List of keys to<br/>verify + challenge string
  aa->>sa: Completed challenge<br/>for each key on the list
  sa->>sa: Set redirect status to<br/>"confirmed by redirection source"
and Notifying the redirection source's home server of the redirection target
  ab->>sa: Request redirect from Alice Old
  sa->>sa: Verify authenticity of Alice New's identity by verifying ID-Cert
  note over sa: Alice New's ID-Cert is determined to be valid
  sa->>ab: Challenge string (See section 4.1.1:<br/>Authenticating on a foreign server)
  ab->>sa: Completed challenge
  sa->>sa: Set redirect status to<br/>"confirmed by redirection target"
sa->>sa: Check, if both redirection source and target have confirmed the redirect
alt If both redirection source and target have confirmed the redirect
  sa->>sa: Use HTTP 307 to redirect all requests for<br/>Alice Old to Alice New
  Note over sa: Do nothing

Fig. 5: Sequence diagram depicting the setting up of a redirect.

Until a redirection source actor deletes their account, the home server of that actor should respond with 307 Temporary Redirect to requests for information about the redirection source. After the redirection source deletes their account, Server A can select to either respond with 308 Permanent Redirect, or to remove the redirect entirely.

7.2 Re-signing messages

Re-signing messages is the process of transparently changing the signature of messages while leaving the content of the messages unchanged. "Transparently" refers to the fact that an outsider can verify the following facts:

  • Both involved actors have agreed to the re-signing of the messages
  • The "old" actor has proven ownership of the signature keys used to produce the "old" signatures of the messages
  • The message content has not changed during the re-signing process

The intended use cases for re-signing messages are:

  • Changing ownership of messages from one actor to another. This enables seamless transitions between accounts, while preserving the integrity of the messages.
  • Reducing the amount of keys that need to be remembered by an actor, done if the actor deems it to be convenient.
  • "Rotate keys of past messages" - This is useful when an actor's private identity key has been compromised, and the actor wants to ensure that all messages sent by them are still owned by them and not at risk of being tampered with.

Actors must not be able to re-sign messages, to which they cannot prove signature-key ownership of.

Additionally, servers must verify the following things about re-signed messages:

  • The new signature matches the messages' contents, and is valid
  • The ID-Cert corresponding to the new signature is a valid ID-Cert, issued by the correct home server
  • The contents of the message have not been changed during the re-signing process

The amount of keys that can be used to re-sign messages must not exceed the amount of keys sent in the servers' key trial, but can be less.

Below is a sequence diagram depicting a typical re-signing process, which transfers ownership of messages from Alice A to Alice B.


actor aa as Alice A
actor ab as Alice B
participant sc as Server "C" with stored<br/>messages from Alice A

aa->>sc: Request allow message re-signing for Alice B
sc->>aa: List of keys to verify + challenge string (Key trial)
aa->>sc: Completed challenge for each key on the list
sc->>sc: Verify challenge, unlock re-signing for Alice B
sc->>aa: Re-signing of messages for Alice B allowed
loop Do, while there are messages left to be re-signed
  ab->>sc: Request message re-signing<br/>for Alice A's messages
  sc->>ab: Batch of old messages,<br/>including the signatures + actor certificates
    Note over ab: The client should fetch missing information<br/>such as missing ID-Certs or server public keys<br/>needed to validate the messages from the<br/>corresponding servers, if applicable
  ab->>ab: Verify that Server C has not<br/>tampered with messages by<br/>checking old signatures with own keys
  ab->>ab: Re-sign messages with own keys
  ab->>sc: Send new messages
  sc->>sc: Verify that only FID and signature related fields have changed
  sc->>ab: Acknowledge successful re-signing of batch
    ab--)ab: Pause for arbitrary amount of time

To allow for a singular set of behaviors, which fit the three intended use cases mentioned prior, not all messages stored by the server of an actor need to be re-signed. Besides querying for all non-re-signed messages, actors can also query or all non-resigned messages, whose signatures correspond to a specific ID-Cert or set of ID-Certs. The API routes for re-signing messages are documented in the API documentation.

7.2.1 Message batches

Messages, which have not yet been re-signed are being delivered to an actor in batches. A batch is a JSON object, representing messages sent, using the same ID-Cert. An exemplary array of message batches, as returned by the server, might look as follows:

    id_cert: "QLASDiohs79034sjkldfny8eppqxncp7n4g9vozeyuiwofxb...",
    messages: [
        signature: "ASDiohs79034sjkldfny8eppqxncp7n4g9vozeyuiwofxb...",
        content: {
          message: "Hello!"
        signature: "ASDiohs7902347sjkldfny8eafhjhjafdlk4g121ghjkz...",
        content: {
          message: "Hello again!"
    id_cert: "QLAxiohs79034sjkldfny8eppqxncp7n4g9vozeyuiwofxn...",
    messages: [

The concrete values held by a message batch are up to the concrete implementation. The prior JSON array depicting an array of message batches is only an example. However, it is mandatory that a message batch holds the following information:

  • The ID-Cert used to sign the messages in the batch
  • An array of messages, which must at least contain the following information:
    • The signature of the message
    • The full content of the message

Returning re-signed messages to the server is done in the same format as the server sends them to the client.

7.2.2 Server imposed limits Body size

Servers can limit the size of an HTTP request body containing re-signed messages. If a body size limit is imposed, the server must communicate this to clients in their response to a query for messages, which have not yet been re-signed. Communicating the body size limit is done by adding a X-P2-Return-Body-Size-Limit header to the response. If this header is not present or has a value of -1, clients should assume that there is no body-size limit. Interval between re-signing batches

Servers can define an interval, which a client must wait for before sending a new batch of re-signed messages to the server.

The server communicates this interval to the client as a response to receiving a batch of re-signed messages from the client. The interval is communicated by adding a X-P2-Wait-Until header to the response. The value of this header is a 64-bit integer. The integer represents a UNIX timestamp, which in turn represents the time, at which the client is allowed to send the next batch of re-signed messages.

Clients should expect that the duration of the interval changes between batches. The server can dynamically adjust the duration, which a client must wait before being allowed to send the next batch of re-signed messages. The server can also select to not impose an interval between re-signing batches. Clients should also expect that the server suddenly decides to impose an interval between re-signing batches, even if it has not done so before.

If this header is not present or has a value of -1, clients should assume that there is no interval between re-signing batches.

Fig. 7: Sequence diagram depicting the re-signing procedure.

7.3 Moving data

In cases of an imminent server shutdown or distrust in the old server, moving data from the old server is necessary to prevent data loss. This process extends upon the reassigning ownership process, and usually involves the following steps:

  1. Using the old account, the client requests a data export from your old home server.
  2. The old home server sends a data export to the client. The client will check the signatures on the exported data, to ensure it was not tampered with.
  3. The new account re-signs the data with its own keys and imports it into the new home server.
  4. The new home server verifies the data and signals that the import was successful.
  5. The old client requests the deactivation or deletion of the old account on the old home server.

participant sa as Server A
participant sb as Server B
box Same Device
actor aa as Alice A
actor ab as Alice B

aa->>sa: Request data export
sa->>aa: Data export
aa->ab: Data shared on device
ab->>ab: Verify data integrity
ab->>ab: Re-sign data
ab->>sb: Request data import
sb->>sb: Verify data integrity
sb->>ab: Data import successful
aa-xsa: Deactivate account

Fig. 8: Sequence diagram depicting the data moving process.

How this process is implemented is up to P2 extensions to define. The above steps are only a guideline. The API routes for data export and import are documented in the API documentation.

7.3.1 Content Addressing with relative roots

Moving data from one server to another might break references to this data. To prevent this as much as possible, content addressing with relative roots is recommended for data behind an additional layer of indirection.


In a chat service, a user might have posted a message containing a picture. In this example, the picture is stored on the user's home server, which is not necessarily the same server as the chat service. If the user moves their account to another server, the picture might not be accessible anymore.

Content addressing with relative roots aids in preventing this issue. Instead of referring to the absolute URL of the content, the server processing the content generates a unique identifier. This identifier can be used to retrieve the content from the server. Most importantly, this identifier does not change when the content is moved to another server. If the base domain of the new server is known, the identifier can be used to retrieve the content from the new server. The "relative root" is the base domain of the server, which is used to retrieve the content.

The uniqueness constraint of the identifier is important. If a collision occurs when trying to move the content to another server, the content cannot be migrated in a way that preserves the references to it. One way to ensure the uniqueness of the identifier is to use a hash function on the content itself. Combining this has with a cryptographically strong nonce, then hashing the result of concatenating the nonce and the hash of the content should yield a unique identifier.

The API route for content addressing with relative roots is formatted as follows:


The API route for content addressing with relative roots is documented more thoroughly in the API documentation.

Servers with no need for content addressing with relative roots can select to not implement this feature. Servers not implementing this feature should return a 404 Not Found status code when the API route is accessed. Clients should expect finding servers not implementing this feature.

7.4 Challenges and trust

Changing the publicly visible ownership of actor data requires the chain of trust to be maintained. If an "old" account wants to change the publicly visible ownership of its data, the "old" account must prove that it possesses the private keys that were used to sign the messages. This is done by signing a challenge string with the private keys. If the server verifies the challenge, it authorizes the new account to re-sign the old account's messages signed with the verified key. Instead of overwriting the message, a new message variant with the new signature is created, preserving the old message.

All challenge strings and their responses created in the context of account migration must be made public to ensure that a chain of trust can be maintained. A third party should be able to verify that the challenge string, which authorized the ownership change of an accounts' data was signed by the correct private key. The API routes needed to verify challenges as an outsider are documented in the API documentation.

Implementations and protocol extensions should carefully consider the extent of messages that can be re-signed.


In the case of a social media platform with quote-posting functionality, it is reasonable to assume that re-signing a quoted post is allowed. However, this would likely change the signature of the quoted post, which would be undesirable. Edge cases like these are up to implementations to handle, and should be well documented.

8. Protocol extensions (P2 extensions)

polyproto leaves room for extensions, outsourcing concepts such as concrete message types to protocol extensions. This allows for a more flexible core protocol, which can be adapted to a wide variety of use cases. The following sections define:

  • protocol extensions, also called P2 extensions
  • how protocol extensions interact with the core protocol
  • requirements, which must be fulfilled by protocol extensions to become officially endorsed

8.1 Extension design

P2 extensions should be either of the following:

  • a major technological addition, which can be taken advantage of by other extensions. Examples of this are:
  • a unified WebSocket Gateway connection scheme
  • Message Layer Encryption (MLS)
  • Compatibility with other protocols (e.g. Matrix, ActivityPub)
  • a definition of a service. Examples of this are:
  • A federated chat application
  • A federated social media platform

A good P2 extension should never be both at the same time. If a P2 extension is both a major technological addition and a document describing a particular application use case, it should likely be split into two separate extensions.

Designing P2 extensions, which only specify a single route or a small set of behavior changes is discouraged. Instead, these should be implemented as part of a larger extension, which offers a more comprehensive set of features.


If you are, say, developing a polyproto server implementation with a feature that is not part of the default polyproto specification, you do not have to create a P2 extension for this feature. P2 extensions are useful for defining interoperable services, which can be implemented by a variety of servers and clients.

8.2 Namespaces

A namespace is a string used to identify a specific P2 extension. Used as a prefix in URLs, they prevent route name collisions between different extensions. Namespaces should be unique and descriptive. They must only contain lowercase letters, numbers, hyphens, and underscores. Namespaces must be at least 2 characters long and at most 64 characters long.

Officially endorsed P2 extensions have priority over selecting namespaces. If a namespace is already taken by an officially endorsed extension, a different namespace must be chosen. If a namespace collision exists between an officially endorsed extension and a regular P2 extension, the officially endorsed extension has priority.

8.3 Officially endorsed extensions

Officially endorsed extensions are extensions that either:

  • have undergone review and approval by the polyproto maintainers
  • have been developed by the maintainers themselves
  • have been developed by a third party and are now maintained by the polyproto maintainers

Contact the polyphony-chat maintainers under [email protected] if you want to have your extension officially endorsed.

Officially endorsed extensions must fulfill all the requirements listed in section 8.

Each version of an extension developed by outside parties must undergo the review process before being officially endorsed.

8.4 Versioning and yanking

Semantic Versioning v2.0.0 is used for versioning P2 extensions. The version number of an extension is defined in the extension's documentation. The version number must be updated whenever a change is made to the extension. The only exception to this rule is when marking an extension as deprecated (yanking).

8.4.1 Yanking

Yanking an extension means that the extension is no longer supported, and that it should not be used. A later version of the extension should be used instead. Yanked extension versions should prominently display the "yanked" status next to the version number in the extension's documentation.

Versions of officially endorsed P2 extensions can normally not be removed, only marked as yanked.

8.5 Dependencies

P2 extensions can depend on other P2 extensions. If an extension depends on another extension, the name of the dependency must be listed in the extension's documentation, along with a link to the dependencies' specification document.

The following syntax is used for indicating the version number of a dependency:

Syntax Meaning
1.0.0 Any version of the dependency with the major version 1, a minor version of 0, and a patch version of 0 or greater is required.
1.0 Any version of the dependency with the major version 1 and the minor version 0 is required. The patch version is unimportant.
1 Any version of the dependency with the major version 1 is required. The minor and patch versions are unimportant.

When selecting a version number for a dependency, the highest possible version number that fulfills the requirements should be selected.

The name of the dependency along with the version number is to be listed right beneath the extension's version declaration in the extension's documentation. Ideally, a link to the dependencies' specification document should be included.

To grow the ecosystem of interoperable services, it is encouraged to first develop a generic version of that service, which acts as a shared base for all implementations. This shared base can then be extended with the exact, non-service-critical features that are needed for a specific implementation.

For example, a generic, federated chat service extension might offer routes for adding reactions to chat messages. However, a route for adding reactions with full-screen animation effects would be better suited as an implementation-specific detail.

If possible for the given use case, P2 extensions should depend on and extend already existing, officially endorsed P2 extensions.


Say, you are developing a social chat platform using polyproto. In this example, you would like your chat platform to have a feature, which is not part of the officially endorsed polyproto-chat extension. Instead of developing a new extension from scratch, your chat extension should likely depend on polyproto-chat, and define only this new feature as part of your own extension.

Doing this ensures a high level of interoperability across all different implementations of a specific application group.

8.6 Routes

Polyproto extensions must never change, add or remove routes defined by the extension they depend on. Instead, routes with alternating or new behavior must be added under a newly defined namespace, which must differ from the original namespace. Changing the behavior of existing routes breaks compatibility with other implementations of the same extension.

Route paths must always start with .p2/, followed by the extensions' namespace. Namespaces are explained in section 8.2.

9. Services


A "service" is any application-specific implementation of polyproto, defined by a P2 extension. All services are P2 extensions, but not all P2 extensions are services.

Actors can use their identity to register with any server hosting polyproto services, such as polyproto-chat. These servers can be the actors' home server, but can also be foreign servers. There is no limitation to how many services any given actor can register with, and what these services are.

Application specific implementations of polyproto should consider that users of their service might also want to register for services offered by other servers, using the same identity.

9.1 Discoverability

The discoverability feature allows users who are registered with the same service but on different servers to communicate with each other. The actor initiating the communication only needs to know the federation ID of the actor they want to communicate with. Consider the following example:

Example: Discovering services


The example below is simplified for the sake of clarity. In a real-world scenario, Alice and the Chat server would perform the foreign server authentication procedure described in section 4.1.1 before Alice can send a chat message to Bob. The example also uses a simplified example of how polyproto-chat works.

Alice and Bob want to communicate with each other. Both Alice and Bob are registered on servers which host the polyproto-chat service. However, Alice and Bob are not registered on the same server, and they do not share any chat rooms. Alice types in Bob's federation ID into her chat client. The client then queries Bob's home server to find out, which server Bob is using for the polyproto-chat service. Alice's client can then send the chat message to Bob's server, which will forward the chat message to Bob.


participant sb as Bob's Home Server
actor aa as Alice
participant sc as Chat server Bob is registered on
actor ab as Bob

aa->>sb: Query: Which server is Bob using for polyproto-chat?
sb->>aa: Response: URL of Chat server Bob is registered on
aa->>sc: Message to Bob
sc->>ab: Forward message from Alice to Bob

Fig. 9: Sequence diagram depicting how Alice's client discovers which server Bob is using for the examplary polyproto-chat service.

The example demonstrates how Alice can communicate with Bob, even though they do not share any servers.

To be discoverable, an actor must add a key-value pair to their home server's database. The key is the name of the service, and the value is the base URL of the server hosting the service.

The API routes for managing discoverability are documented in the API documentation.

9.1.1 Changing a primary service provider

Keys are unique in the actor-scoped service->service-provider table. Actors wanting to register for two or more different implementations of the same service must select, which service provider to use as a so-called "primary service provider" for that service.

If the actor is human, clients must not override the existing key-value pair silently. Instead, clients must either ask the actor to confirm the change, or not change the key-value pair. Automated actors may override values as they see fit.

Changing a primary service provider entry is considered a sensitive action and should require a second factor of authentication.

Messages do not get moved or re-signed when changing the primary service provider for a given service. If an actor wants to move their messages to the new primary service provider, they must request a migration.