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Certificates, please: X.509 in polyproto

This blog post covers a bit about how and why X.509 is used in polyproto, and how we try to make the process of implementing your own server and incorporating it into an existing network a little easier.

Authors' note

Before knowing and reading about the X.500- and PKCS-series of RFCs, I legitimately thought, that implementing an own certificate standard for polyproto would be a good idea! Looking back, this is incredibly naive. But learning new things and improving myself is one of the biggest joys I experience when writing software, so this humbling experience was totally worth it for me, personally.

polyproto is a federation protocol that uses X.509 Public Key Infrastructure (PKI) to prove and federate your identity across a whole network of decentralized services.


Specifically, polyproto leverages the already well-documented and widely used X.509 standard at its core. X.509 was chosen over OpenPGP because of its comparative simplicity. The Web of Trust from OpenPGP often requires active user input to assign trust levels to users and their keys, which is not inline with our ideas and goals for user experience in a decentralized system. Ideally, decentralization and federation is as seamless as possible for the end-user, and X.509 with its Certificate Authority (CA for short) model is the better fit for such a goal. In fact, X.509 can be so seamless to the end-user, that you have probably forgotten that you are already using it right now!

HTTPS (SSL/TLS) certificates are likely the most popular form of digital certificate out there, and they’re implemented in a way, where the only time us humans ever have to think about them, is when our browser tells us that a certificate from a website we’re trying to visit, is not valid anymore.

This popularity is great news for polyproto, because it means that mature tooling for all sorts of programming languages exists today, along with tutorials and documentation, teaching potential implementers how everything works.

How polyproto uses X.509, briefly

In polyproto, home servers act as Certificate Authorities, while each client you connect from has its own end-user Certificate, issued by your home server. With certificates, you can prove your identity to any person or server at any time. Certificates are also used to verify the integrity of data sent across the polyproto network.

If servers and clients have well-implemented cryptography, it should be extremely unlikely - if not impossible - for non-quantum-based, non-supercomputer-cluster home servers to alter the contents of a message before passing them on to the recipient.

Authors note

🤓 Technically, polyproto and X.509 absolutely support Post-Quantum Hybrid Digital Signatures. If these Hybrid Digital Signatures use well-made Post-Quantum Signature schemes and are implemented well, polyproto also offers post-quantum-computing resilience. There seems to be very little, easy to understand reading material on hybrid schemes out there. The best/most easy to understand definition or explanation of hybrid schemes I could find is this one, in the document "A Hybrid Signature Method with Strong Non-Separability".

In short, clients generate a PKCS #10 Certificate Signing Request (CSR). This CSR includes some information about the client. In polyprotos case, this information is:

  • session ID
  • federation ID
  • algorithm used to generate the public key attached to the CSR
  • the public key attached to the CSR
  • a signature which is verifiable using the attached public key, validating all of the aforementioned information

This CSR is sent to your home server, which verifies this information and in turn responds with a polyproto X.509 Certificate (ID-Cert).

Home servers get their root certificate by self-signing a CSR. Unlike actor/client certificates, the home server root certificate features X.509 extensions such as the "Basic Constraints" attribute, marking its certificate as a CA certificate, allowing the home server to sign CSRs using this certificate.

But it’s not all perfect.

Root Certificates in the context of HTTPS and the modern, SSL/TLS protected web are a big source of centralization. This centralization might be necessary to a degree, but it inevitably means less plurality, and way more hoops to jump through, should you also want to be a CA.

To give context for those who might need it, essentially, every certificate for every website out there has to be able to be traced back to one of the root certificates installed on your internet-capable device's operating system or web browser. This creates an incredible amount of centralization, because one Root Certificate Authority is directly responsible for hundreds of thousands, if not millions of websites. This dependency on a few privileged Root CAs has been monetized, which is why getting an SSL/TLS certificate for your website used to cost you money (and depending on who you are, it might still be that way). Nowadays though, Let's Encrypt exists, offering free SSL/TLS certificates, with the caveat that these certificates are only valid for three months at a time.

What can we do about this?

To try and keep open polyproto networks to stay open for everyone, polyproto should make centralization to the degree of modern-day SSL/TLS at infeasible.

An approach we are taking is limiting the length of the certification path.

In X.509, to validate and trust a certificate, you must also trust all the other certificates leading up to the Root Certificate of the Certificate Tree.

graph LR
    A[Root CA] --> B[CA 1]
    A --> C[CA 2]
    B --> D[Middleman]
    D --> E([Leaf Certificate 1])
    C --> F([Leaf Certificate 2])


To trust Leaf Certificate 1, one would have to also trust the certificates held by the Middleman CA, CA 1 and the Root CA.

This path from the certificate you are actually trying to validate to the Root Certificate is referred to as the certification path. By arbitrarily limiting the length of this path, it becomes harder for one certificate authority to issue and manage a great (1.000.000+) number of certificates, due to the increasing amount of processing power required to handle web requests and to verify and sign CSRs.

In polyproto, the maximum length of this certification path is 1, meaning a Root Certificate may only issue leaf certificates. Cutting out middlemen makes it hard to scale to monstrous levels of centralization, as the control one CA can have over the entire network is limited.

All of these factors combined should always make developing or hosting your own home server a viable option.

Authors note

To clarify, this does not mean that polyproto servers will only be able to handle a small amount of users, or that polyproto is designed for small-userbase scenarios. A well-implemented and fast home server implementation should, with the given resources, be able to handle a great number of registered users. This shallow-depth trust model should aid in stopping trust hierarchies with great amounts of influence over the network from forming.

However, real-life power distribution scenarios can be be unpredictable, which means that the efficacy of limiting the certificate path length as a measure to prevent centralization can only be proven when polyproto is being deployed in the real world.

If you have any questions or feedback, feel free to reach out to me via email, where you can reach me under [email protected]. OpenPGP is supported, and my public key can be found on (click to download pubkey)